Sabtu, 02 Juni 2012

artikel 5

Jakarta Panwaslu Find Alleged Violations Politics / Saturday, June 2, 2012 12:47 pm., Jakarta: Election Supervisory Committee (Panwaslu) found a number of violations in Central Jakarta Jakarta governor election. Violations allegedly committed by a headman.    According to the Election Supervisory Committee Chairman of the Central Jakarta Budianto, the alleged violation was committed by John Ward, who served as Gondangdia, District of Menteng, Central Jakarta. Yahya allegedly asked its citizens to choose one pair sequence number: Fauzi Bowo and Nachrowi Ramli. In fact, according to civil service rules should not favor any candidate. PNS is also forbidden to favor or disfavor a candidate during the campaign. John denied the request of its citizens to choose one candidate. Jakarta governor election will be held July 11. (BANG).

·       My Opinion.

it is very unfortunate act of fraud. People want a healthy and honest competition in getting the public office. if in the process of election fraud have already occurred when the wheels how pemerintaan?? I myself hope that from this moment on the coming into force of cultural honesty, has given many people are beginning to forget the importance of honesty. Honesty alone will help our country grow and develop into an excellent state. At least the government can provide an example of honesty through healthy competition and also the money through the wheels of government which they run, so that the people of Indonesia may have a role model in advancing the nation participated Indonesia.

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