Selasa, 13 November 2012

Penerapan Ilmu Manajemen Dalam Pengelolaan Koperasi Sekolah

                                   Nama Lengkap         : Ceilly Angela Putri Ariston
                                   Kelas                       : 2EA13
                                   Npm                        : 18211406


Koperasi merupakan suatu lembaga yang dapat memberikan dampak positif bagi banyak orang. Menurut Undang-udang pengkoperasian No. 25 tahun 1992, pasal (1) ayat (1), “ Koperasi adalah badan usaha yang beranggotakan orang-seorang atau badan hukum koperasi dengan melandaskan kegiatan berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip koperasi sekaligus sebagai gerakan ekonomi rakyat yang berdasarkan atas asas kekeluargaan”.

Koperasi merupakan badan yang harusnya dikelola sebagimana lembaga/badan bisnis lainnya, dimnana lembaga ini memerlukan pengelolaan yang efektif dan efisien, disinilah peranan  Ilmu manajemen dalam menciptakan pengelolaan yang efektif dan efisien. Menurut Suharsono Sagir, sistem manajemen di lembaga koperasi harus mengarah kepada manajemen partisipatif yang di dalamnya terdapat kebersamaan, keterbukaan, sehingga setiap anggota koperasi baik yang turut dalam pengelolaan (kepengurusan usaha) ataupun yang di luar kepengurusan (angota biasa), memiliki rasa tanggung jawab bersama dalam organisasi koperasi (Anoraga dan Widiyanti,1992).

Dalam penggunaanya, ilmu manajemen membantu dalam pengambilan keputusan, pengaturan wewenang dalam pengelolaan lembaga, serta pengawasan dalam pengelolaan lembaga itu sendiri. Menurut Sitio dan Tamba (2001) menyatakan badan usaha koperasi di Indonesia memiliki manajemen koperasi yang dirunut berdasarkan perangkat organisasi koperasi, yaitu: Rapat anggota, pengurus, pengawas, dan pengelola.

Penerapan ilmu manajemen ini diharapkan dapat mampu mengatasi permasalahan-permasalahan yang kerap timbul dalam proses pengelolaannya. Dalam perjalanannya, kopersi sekolah dapat menggunakan ilmu manajemen ini guna untuk mencapai tujuan yang telah ditetapkan. Penggunaan ilmu manajemen dalam pengelolaan koperasi sekolah dapat memberikan pelajaran bagi para pengelolanya tentang bagaimana caranya mengelola lembaga tersebut secara lebih bertanggung jawab dan lebih teroganisir. Dalam proses kerjasama dalam mengelola lembaga tersebut, ilmu manajemen memberikan pengarahan tentang bagaimana caranya menyatukan atau menyamakan tugas-tugas yang ada dalam hal ini perintah-perintah yang harus dijalankan agar dapat berjalan searah dan mencapai tujuan yang telah ditetapkan. Dengan adanya ilmu manajemen ini diharapkan nantinya akan membantu koperasi sekolah untuk dapat bertumbuh dengan baik dan pesat dan dapat memberikan manfaat bagi para anggotanya. Dengan adanya ilmu manajemen ini dapat membantu mengontrol sifat ketebukaan, kebebasan dan kekeluargaan yang dianut oleh system koperasi sekolah itu sendiri. Penggunaan ilmu manajemen ini juga diharapkan dapat mampu membantu koperasi sekolah dalam membina dan menyiapkan para siswa sebagai pengelola yang baik dan terorganisir.


1.     Undang-undang perkoperasian No.25 tahun 1992, pasal (1) ayat (1)
2.     Jurnal Ilmiah “Manajemen dan Bisnis”, Arman D.Hutasulut. 2001
3.     Koperasi sekolah, Ir.Priambodo,MS.
4.     Skripsi “Pemberdayaan Koperasi Sekolah Ditinjau dari Perspektif Ilmu Manajemen Koperasi”, Siti Istiana. 2010
5.     Koperasi Teori dan Praktek , Sitio dan Tamba. 2001
6.     Anoraganda Widiyanti, 1992

Jumat, 22 Juni 2012

Cyber Crime

Cyber Crime

Kejahatan dunia maya (Inggris: cybercrime) adalah istilah yang mengacu kepada aktivitas kejahatan dengan komputer atau jaringan komputer menjadi alat, sasaran atau tempat terjadinya kejahatan. Termasuk ke dalam kejahatan dunia maya antara lain adalah penipuan lelang secara online, pemalsuan cek, penipuan kartu kredit/carding, confidence fraud, penipuan identitas, pornografi anak, dll.
Walaupun kejahatan dunia maya atau cybercrime umumnya mengacu kepada aktivitas kejahatan dengan komputer atau jaringan komputer sebagai unsur utamanya, istilah ini juga digunakan untuk kegiatan kejahatan tradisional di mana komputer atau jaringan komputer digunakan untuk mempermudah atau memungkinkan kejahatan itu terjadi.
Contoh kejahatan dunia maya di mana komputer sebagai alat adalah spamming dan kejahatan terhadap hak cipta dan kekayaan intelektual. Contoh kejahatan dunia maya di mana komputer sebagai sasarannya adalah akses ilegal (mengelabui kontrol akses),malware dan serangan DoS. Contoh kejahatan dunia maya di mana komputer sebagai tempatnya adalah penipuan identitas. Sedangkan contoh kejahatan tradisional dengan komputer sebagai alatnya adalah pornografi anak dan judi online. Beberapa situs-situs penipuan berkedok judi online termasuk dalam sebuah situs yang merupakan situs kejahatan di dunia maya yang sedang dipantau oleh pihak kepolisian dengan pelanggaran pasal 303 KUHP tentang perjudian dan pasal 378 KUHP tentang penipuan berkedok permainan online dengan cara memaksa pemilik website tersebut untuk menutup website melalui metode DDOS website yang bersangkutan.(28/12/2011)

·         Komentar  :
Kejahatan di dunia maya semakin lama menjadi suatu permasalahan yang semakin menjadi-jadi,… Hingga saat ini banyak kejahatan di dunia maya yang belum terselesaikan,. Meningat sangat sulit melacak para pelaku terlebih mereka-meraka memiliki skill yang tidak bisa anggap remeh,…
Perlu penanganan khusus untuk mengatasi persoalan ini,.. ada baiknya negara-negara mulai membahas lebih serius lagi mengenai pemberantasan CYBER crime,… karena jika tidak ditangani sejak dini,. Dikhawatirkan para pelaku kejahatan dunia maya ini akam mulai mengancan keamanan dunia internasional, mengingat banyak kelompok-kelompok pemberontak dinegara-negara yang sedang bergejolak, menguasai teknologi yang sering disalahgunakan oleh mereka.

Sabtu, 02 Juni 2012

artikel 5

Jakarta Panwaslu Find Alleged Violations Politics / Saturday, June 2, 2012 12:47 pm., Jakarta: Election Supervisory Committee (Panwaslu) found a number of violations in Central Jakarta Jakarta governor election. Violations allegedly committed by a headman.    According to the Election Supervisory Committee Chairman of the Central Jakarta Budianto, the alleged violation was committed by John Ward, who served as Gondangdia, District of Menteng, Central Jakarta. Yahya allegedly asked its citizens to choose one pair sequence number: Fauzi Bowo and Nachrowi Ramli. In fact, according to civil service rules should not favor any candidate. PNS is also forbidden to favor or disfavor a candidate during the campaign. John denied the request of its citizens to choose one candidate. Jakarta governor election will be held July 11. (BANG).

·       My Opinion.

it is very unfortunate act of fraud. People want a healthy and honest competition in getting the public office. if in the process of election fraud have already occurred when the wheels how pemerintaan?? I myself hope that from this moment on the coming into force of cultural honesty, has given many people are beginning to forget the importance of honesty. Honesty alone will help our country grow and develop into an excellent state. At least the government can provide an example of honesty through healthy competition and also the money through the wheels of government which they run, so that the people of Indonesia may have a role model in advancing the nation participated Indonesia.

artikel 4

Claims Already Doing Sumenep Regency Energy Saving Program National / Saturday, June 2, 2012 11:12 pm., Sumenep: Sumenep Regency, East Java, claiming first implement energy saving programs such as those launched by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. Since a month ago, every Friday in Sumenep officials are prohibited from using official vehicles. They are required to use a bicycle or a rickshaw to the office. That goes from the regents, and the head of all civil servants. Sumenep Government Secretary Mohammad Saleh said the energy-saving program is a concern about the energy crisis in Indonesia is getting worse. Unfortunately, this program is not fully supported by the officials and civil servants. (Hidayaturrahman/Wtr1).

·        My Opinion :
One reflection of the attitude that should be in duplicate. They were first aware of the importance of conserving energy for the survival of our grandchildren. It is exemplary and uga applied in other areas, given the president also has spawned the idea of ​​saving energy that would be the impact of these savings we experience later in the year 2013. Savings were also expected to help the balance of the human environment. Awareness as early as mengkin is expected to happen to us. The energy that we currently have little by little began to thin, if we do not worry about saving early can be a devastating effect even faster.

artikel 3

72 workers from the threat of the Death Penalty ReleasePolitics |
Saturday, June 2, 2012 11:35 pm., Jakarta: The Task Force for Manpower Indonesia (TKI) claims to have successfully released 72 people from the threat of the death penalty in at least four countries. Of these, 24 of whom are in Saudi Arabia, 23 people in Malaysia, 22 people in China, one in Singapore and two in Iran.This was stated by a spokesman for Task Force and the Coordinator of Advocacy and Legal Assistance Litigation Case Handling citizens / workers in the State Threatened Death Penalty, Humphrey Djemat Task Force in a press release received in Jakarta, Saturday (2/6).According to Humphrey, the number of citizens or workers who regardless of the death penalty because the government's best efforts, including diplomatic efforts by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. Often the government's attention to the interests of certain citizens to obtain waivers on request state sentence."Surely the government's actions result in action resipokal (reciprocal) from other countries. Consequently, many Indonesians or TKI that regardless of the death penalty or commuted his sentence, including as a taxable capital punishment for drug crimes," he said.Task Force spokesman said it was the release of 72 people from the threat of the death penalty proves that diplomacy is going pretty effectively save the lives of citizens or workers.So the allegation that states that no citizen or government workers who successfully freed by the efforts of diplomacy, said Humphrey, is unfounded and untrue.According to him, based on experience during the task force is associated with countries that are very hard to apply the penalties for drug crimes such as Malaysia and China, the act of releasing or easing foreign citizens from the threat of the death penalty is not meant to discourage law enforcement in the country."The same thing applies in Indonesia," he said. (Ant / Bey).
·         My Opinion :
Applaud the government's performance in protecting the heroes of this country's foreign exchange. This could be a consideration for other state sentencing for the workforce of our country. But keep in mind that many of us who labor neara tangled legal case that heavy-nagara in other countries. I hope the government can continue to pursue the defense of our workforce who tangled case law in other countries. In addition, I also expect the cooperation of the workforce that their fate in other countries, in order to behave better and more carefully, given the laws in every nation bloc varies  and also the government can not continue to seek exemption for their first which has proven to be illegal for any reason.

Jumat, 01 Juni 2012

artikel 2

Yogyakarta prepare a draft smokingThursday, May 31, 2012 20:52 pm | 703 Views (
 "One is to realize a special place to smoke."Related News48.3% of households in Yogyakarta smokersThree toddlers optimal growth conditionsIndonesia smoked 225 billion cigarettes each yearIndonesia the third highest number of smokers in the worldCommunity clove reject "anti-Tobacco Day World"Yogyakarta (ANTARA News) - The government of Yogyakarta to prepare draft local regulations (draft) rules about smoking in public places to provide protection to passive smoking."At first, the rules regarding smoking will only be made as mayor of the draft regulations. However, we then decided to make the draft regulations," said Chief Medical Officer of the city of Yogyakarta, Tuty Setyowati, in Yogyakarta, Thursday.According to him, the draft regulation will be submitted to the city of Yogyakarta in the hope may come in the Regional Legislative Program (Prolegda) 2013.If not possible, further Tuty, draft rules of smoking can be included in next year Prolegda."In determining priority Prolegda discussion will take precedence. If possible, we hope it can enter the draft as Prolegda 2013," he said.Tuty said the draft legislation does not forbid people to smoke, but provides certain rules so that it can provide protection to passive smoking, the people who do not smoke, but cigarette smoke terterpa.He argues, is not only smoking rule will be applied in the environmental offices of the City of Yogyakarta, including the legislative buildings, places of worship, schools, health care facilities, children's playground, and shopping centers."One of them is to realize the special place of smoking in an open environment, so that the smoke go away," he said.In the city of Yogyakarta, in 2012 there are 20 pillars of the citizens (RW) which has been declared as non-smoking area, which ban smoking in the home, at community meetings, in front of toddlers and children, as well as in front of women.Deputy Mayor of Yogyakarta, Imam Priyono, which is known as the smokers say, if realized correctly, the smoke has adverse effects for oneself and the environment."If there be a local regulation of smoking rules, then I will definitely follow the rules," he said.Therefore, the priest continued, to realize that smoking rules, the team of executives and health needs continue to drive the team to communicate with legislators.Imam said the city government wants smoke-free building, means the government wants to create a healthy working environment."I'll have to have a special room for smokers who are separated, so that passive smokers are protected," he said.(U.E013/E005)Editor: RH PriyambodoUrungkan pengeditan

·        My Opinion :
I strongly support the regulation of smoking to be made by local authorities. This will be helpful for passive smokers may be more comfortable for longer when in a public place. Besides, it also needs to continue its active pekok given an understanding of the dangers of cigarette smoke on inhaled by passive smokers that exist around them. Given this understanding in the hope that active smokers would also pay attention to the adverse health effects that may befall the pekok passive inhalation of cigarette smoke if they cause. It was very concerned when the regulations will be made ​​is not socialized much less smpai not applied. I hope the rules will be created will not only be an appeal that goes by it, but really applies to passive smokers get health insurance for themselves while in public places.

artikel kesehatan

Brief of Asthma
Asthma is a symptom caused by abnormalities of the airways in the form of heightened sensitivity to stimuli from the environment as a trigger.Trigger symptoms may include fatigue of the mind (emotional distress), physical fatigue, changes in the environment are not expected (weather, humidity, temperature, smoke (especially tobacco) and smells that stimulate), respiratory tract infections, especially influenza disease specific, and allergic reactions of the material inhaled or ingested.Respiratory symptoms sensitivity level was initiated from mild symptoms (a runny nose / sneezing or coughing are often recurrent / relapsed) to severe symptoms of asthma (trouble breathing). This situation is in fact characterized by a background of allergic reactions.The onset of some symptoms of sensitivity levels recorded / can be expressed by the patient usually begins since childhood. Approximately 50% of the symptoms will go away by itself, although at one time these symptoms will appear again at the more severe the symptoms are often given the term asthma. About 55-6 -% in respiratory allergic diseases can be passed on to children or grandchildren and the rest is caused due to a lack of environmental pollution or still not getting the attention, because it's new symptoms appear as an adult instead of as a strange thing.CauseBasic problems in asthma lies in the respiratory tract abnormalities are turned away the reaction / inflammation (caused by allergic reactions) caused by exposure to substances such as:Dust in the house dust is derived from cotton mattress (especially long), carpets, sofas, old clothes stored in closets, ceiling roof, buku-buku/kertas old records, etc..Foodstuffs, especially species of marine fish, cow's milk, eggs, chocolate, nuts, etc.. (Being the makann material that has characteristics that irritate al spicy, cold, sticky, sweet / sour, salty, etc.. Not the cause but the trigger).Among other environmental fur from agricultural materials (pollen, hay, grass, bagasse, etc..), Materials originating from poultry droppings and feathers and pets.

·       In my opinion :
I think. it helps people with asthma to follow the advice of the article. Many things that can make people with asthma can become healthier again through the suggestions listed in the article. I own an asthmatic and I found out that many of the causes that can trigger asthma. My first go to the left that the only common causes that can trigger asthma. Through this article I see that there are different kinds of foods can also trigger asthma occur.
Sumber ;

Rabu, 25 April 2012

Command and Request

command is a sentence that contains the command, while
Request is a sentence that contains the request.


command : 

  • Don't open the door!
  • Don't  argue!
  • I say go to your room, Now!
  • Don't come back here.!
  • Quickly complete the job, Now!

Request :

  • Please give me three more days.!
  • pleasa don't hurt him!
  • Please keep him for some time


Noun Clause is A dependent clause that functions as a noun (that is, as a subject, object, or complement) within a sentence. Also known as a nominal clause.

Example :

Noun clause sebagai subjek kalimat

1. What you said doesn’t convince me at all.
2. How he becomes so rich makes people curious.
3. What the salesman has said is untrue.
4. That the world is round is a fact.

Noun clause sebagai objek verba transitif

5. I know what you mean.
6. I don’t understand what he is talking about.
7. He said that his son would study in Australia.

Noun clause sebagai objek preposisi

8. Please listen to what your teacher is saying.
9. Budi pays full attention to how the native speaker is pronouncing the English
10. Be careful of what you’re doing.

Noun clause sebagai pelegkap

11. The good news is that the culprit has been put into the jail.
12. This is what I want.
13. That is what you need.

Noun clause sebagai noun in apposition

14. The idea that people can live without oxygen is unreasonable.
15. The fact that Rudi always comes late doesn’t surprise mE.

*sumber :

Minggu, 22 April 2012

soal direct and indirect
NPM : 18211406


1.      Direct        : He said to me, “I never saw before”.
Indirect     : ……

a.       He said to me that he had never seen before
b.      He said to me that he have never seen before
c.       He said to me that he had ever seen before
d.      He says to me than he had never seen before
( Answer : a, because from simple past to past perfect.)

2.      Direct        : “I was here yesterday ,” Jack said
Indirect     : ……

a.       Jack said that he was been there the day before
b.      Jack said that he had been there the day before
c.       Jack  says that he has been there the day before
d.      Jack said that he were been there the day before
( Answer : b, because from simple past to past perfect )

3.      Direct        : “I had already finished my work,” She said to me.
Indirect     : ………

a.       She said to me that she had already finishing her work.
b.      She said to me that she have already finishead her work.
c.       She said to me there she had already finishing her work.
d.      She said to me that she had already finishead her work.
( Answer : d, because from past perfect to past perfect )

4.      Direct        : “ She had just left the room, “ I said to him.
Indirect     : …….

a.       I said to him she have just left the room.
b.      I  said to him she had just left the room.
c.       I said to here she had just left the room
d.      I says to here she been just left the room.
( Answer : b, because from past perfect to past perfect )

5.      Direct        : Jim said to Susan, “I hadn’t done the exercises yet.”
Indirect     : …..

a.       Jim said to Susan that he hadn’t Susan done the exercises.
b.      Jim says to Susan there he hadn’t Susan done the exercises.
c.       Jim said to Susan that he had Susan done the exercises.
d.      Jim said to Susan that he here Susan do the exercises.
( Answer : a, because from past perfect to past perfect. )

6.      Direct        : “ You didn’t join the meeting last week.” I said to Jake.
Indirect     : …….

a.       I said to Jake that he hadn’t joined the meeting the previous week.
b.      I said to Jake that he hasn’t joined the meeting the previous week.
c.       I says to Jake that he hadn’t joined the meeting the next week.
d.      I says to Jake that he hasn’t joined been meeting the next week.
( Answer : a, because from simple past to past perfect. )

7.      Direct        : He said, “I will be in Paris on Monday.”
Indirect     : …..

a.       He said that he could be in Paris on Monday.
b.      He said there he would be in Paris on Monday.
c.       He said that he would be in Paris on Monday.
d.      He says that he can be in Paris on Monday.
( Answer : c, because from future to past future. )

8.      Direct        : “ I will be 21 tomorrow,” said Bill.
Indirect     : ……

a.       Bill said that he would be 21 the followed day.
b.      Bill said there he could be 21 the following day.
c.       Bill said that he would be 21 the following day.
d.      Bill says there he would be 21 the follow day.
( Answer : c, because from future to past future. )

9.      Direct        :  She said, “I will be using the car myself.”
Indirect     :…..

a.       She said there she would be using the car herself
b.      She said that she could be use the car myself
c.       She said that she would be using the car himself.
d.      She said that she would be using the car herself.
( Answer : d, because from future continuous to past future continuous. )

10.  Direct        : He explained, “I’ll do this next week.”
Indirect     : …….

a.       He explain that he would do that the following week.
b.      He explained that he would do that the following week.
c.       He explained there he would do that the followed week.
d.      H e explained that he could do that the follow week.
( Answer : b, because from future to past future. )

11.  Direct        : “I will be watching the Movie at 8.30.” said Tom.
Indirect     : ……

a.       Tom says that she would be watching the Movie at 8.30.
b.      Tom said there she would be watching at movie at 8.30.
c.       Tom said that she could be watch the movie at 8.30.
d.      Tom said that she would be watching the movie at 8.30.
( Answer : d, because from future continuous to past future continuous. )

12.  Direct        : “I’ll be wearing the yellow hat tomorrow.” Said Jane.
Indirect     : ……..

a.       Jane said that she would be wearing the yellow hat the following week.
b.      Jane said that she could been wearing the yellow hat follow week.
c.       Jane says that she would be wearing the yellow hat next week.
d.      Jane said that shw would be wear the yellow hat following week.
( Answer : a, because from future continuous to past future continuous. )

13.  Direct        : He says, “ I shall be here.”
Indirect     : ……..

a.       He says that she will be there.
b.      He says that she shall be there.
c.       He says there she shall be there.
d.      He said there she will be here.
( Answer : b, because from future to past future. )

14.  Direct        : Jhon asked Jane, “ Do you invite me?”
Indirect     : ………..

a.       Jhon asked Jane if she invite him.
b.      Jhon ask Jane if she invited him.
c.       Jhon asked Jane if she invited him.
d.      Jhon asked Jane if she inviting him.
( Answer : c, because from simple present to simple past. )

15.  Direct        : “Have you finished your work?” Mike asked to Kimberly.
Indirect     : ……….

a.       Mike asked Kimberly if she have finished her work.
b.      Mike ask Kimberly if she had finished her work.
c.       Mike asked Kimberly if she had finish her work.
d.      Mike asked Kimberly if she had finished her work.
( Answer : d, because from present perfect to past perfect. )

*sumber : seri diktat kuliah gunadarma*